University of IllinoisCollege of ACESUniversity of Illinois


ACES WordPress websites: Updating dev site to production site

Update: This article has been moved to the Answers @ ACES knowledgebase

This tutorial covers a very specific process for ACES website maintainers: pushing changes made on the dev side to the production side. Be sure to substitute your own website URL where appropriate!

After making site changes on the dev side, follow these steps to push the entire site over to the production side (i.e. the website people can visit).

1. Open Putty.exe


2. Enter your website’s settings (i.e. If you have saved the settings in a profile, load that profile. (i.e. Policy Matters or Farm Doc Daily)


3. Log in to with your UOFI credentials. i.e. uofi\NetID, Campus AD password


4. At the prompt, type: publish-to [website] (i.e. publish-to


5. Hit Enter and wait for the publish command to finish. If the site is large, this could take several seconds.

6. Look for the word “Done”


7. Check the production website to make sure the changes applied correctly.

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