University of IllinoisCollege of ACESUniversity of Illinois


Harmful email regarding pay increases

Email sent to the ACES Faculty and ACES Staff e-mail lists on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 1:56 pm:


Dear ACES faculty and staff,

We have reports of people receiving a cleverly worded email about “salary increases” with a link to access the documents. Those emails are not from the university and instead are phishing attempts designed to get your personal information (such as passwords or PINs). Please delete them without clicking on their links.

An image of one specific example is attached. Be aware that they are always changing in order to get people to click on them. For more information about phishing scams, see the CITES webpage here (copy and paste into your address bar):

As usual, reach out to me or your friendly IT staff if you have questions.


David Gerstenecker
Director of IT
College of ACES

Attached Image:
Image of phishing email

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