University of IllinoisCollege of ACESUniversity of Illinois


[OLD] Q. How do I change my ACES Active Directory Password?

NOTE: Computers should no longer be logging in to the ACES domain. Please contact Admin IT if you suspect that your computer is still running Windows XP or connecting with your ACES password.

A. For those using computers that are logged in to the ACES Domain, there is one recommended way to change your ACES Active Directory(AD) password.

On the computer you are logged in to, hit ctrl+alt+del and select Change Password… You will then have to enter your old (current) password, followed by your new password and confirmation.

NOTE: As of July 23rd, 2012, the only computers still actively logging in to the ACES domain should be laptops running Windows XP and some Mac OSX computers. If you suspect that your Windows 7 computer is still logging into ACES, please contact the Help Desk.


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